The crossword community is full of talented constructors, all of whom have their own unique styles and voices. Here are some of my favorites.

Themeless puzzles with an emphasis on wide-open grids and other construction challenges. Ryan is known for his "Chasm" series, featuring huge central regions of white space.
Difficulty: ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ - ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ ♣️

With a mix of themed and themeless puzzles, every post is a surprise. Adam's style puts slang, memes, and modern phrases on center stage, providing a spark of freshness in every puzzle.
Difficulty: ♥️ ♥️

One of the most consistent innovators in all of crosswords. Every puzzle Will makes is a mind-bendingly clever theme, jam-packed themeless, and/or jaw-dropping construction feat.
Difficulty: ♥️ ♥️ - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Themeless puzzles with an unbelievably high density of cleverness. It's evident Mollie spends a lot of time writing the clues, resulting in puzzles with a surprise around every corner.
Difficulty: ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ - ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ ♣️

One of the most revolutionary constructors out there. Brooke is known for challenging conventions, particularly in her "experimental" themeless puzzles, which are famously extremely difficult.
Difficulty: ♦️ ♦️ ♦️ ♦️ ♦️

A mix of themed and themeless puzzles, but always unapologetically modern. Paolo has one of the most distinct voices in the indie scene, and some of the funniest puzzles to boot.
Difficulty: ♦️ ♦️

Consistently high-quality themed puzzles that often push the boundaries of theme genre, grid design, and other conventions. Ross has a brain hardwired for crossword themes, and every puzzle impresses.
Difficulty: ♥️ - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

A mix of themed and themeless puzzles, all of which capture an unmistakable irreverence. Quiara's voice and interests shine through in every puzzle; you can't solve one without learning something.
Difficulty: ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ - ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ ♣️

Some of the most playful and lively themeless puzzles you will ever see. From the fill to the cluing angles, every puzzle Ada makes will have something you've never seen in a crossword before.
Difficulty: ♥️ ♥️

Themed and themeless puzzles that don't shy away from including references to Ricky's interests. Each puzzle is high-quality, but doesn't take itself too seriously, making it a blast to solve.
Difficulty: ♦️ ♦️ ♦️ - ♦️ ♦️ ♦️ ♦️

Cutting-edge themeless puzzles worthy of framing in a museum. Brian's focus on grid aesthetics are always on full display, but seemingly never at the cost of lively, clever, zeitgeisty fill.
Difficulty: ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Mostly themeless puzzles that are impossible not to have fun while solving. Every Malaika puzzle has an inviting, easygoing vibe, with an unwaveringly confident personality.
Difficulty: ♣️ ♣️ ♣️